     About Syntention
- Syntention as you see it here is a functional demo -- a minimally viable version. You can use it.
- Everything here is live, and all data will be migrated to the full version.
- This demo and the full version of Syntention.com is supported by Custom Designs, iDesignit and Registered Hosting.
- Current Status: Integrating feedback.
- For people, groups, companies, and organizations motivated to improve their world,
who are passionate
about a local problem or world-wide issue,
Syntention is the permanent global and local platform
for humanity's goals, big and small, short-term and far-reaching.
- What sets us apart? Syntention is neutral and local/global,
and hosts Missions from proposal, to planning, to completion.
- In Syntention, everyone's voice is meaningful,
from established politicians right up to you and your friends.
- Syntention Missions are well-defined and precise, so we all know the goals.
- Syntention also includes The General Syntention,
where people everywhere will decide what Humanity will aim to do as a group, beyond simple survival.
Contact: Founder, Syntention.
403-803-4343 From Canada & USA, dial 1-403-803-4343 | Elsewhere: Canada Country Code= +1